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Moles do have tiny eyes hidden amongst the fur,whilst not having the real need to see, they can sense light and dark
Moles appear on the surface when changing location
Strong Thick Nails and Shoulder Muscles enable easy digging

The Common or European Mole ( Talpidae Europaea) is regarded as the only True Mole and can be found throughout most of the Mainland. Its ability to dig upto 150 metres per day is purely down to its extensive shoulder muscles and large clawed hands, no mean feat for such a small animal that fits into the palm of your hand and weighs 110-120 grams

The Mole has a highly sensitive nose containing thousands of nerves sending various information to the Brain
Here you can see the thickness of the skin and the powerfull claws used for digging

Traditional Molecatcher In West Yorkshire

The general thought is that Moles are Blind,this isn't the case.They do have eyes which are very small and hidden in the fur,and whilst they have no real reason to see, the eyes can detect light and dark. This could indicate a tunnel collapse or a breach of the system leading to a threat

Whilst having eyes, the have no use for Distance and Range
Tiny Eyes enable the Mole to Sense Light and Dark
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